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our specialities

Subdivision Consenting

  • Subdivision investigation & feasibility

  • Concepts & layouts

  • Liaison with Councils

  • Integration with specialised consultancy services

  • Consenting plans & applications

Land Development Advisory

  • Development process explanation

  • Reviewing titles & title restrictions impacting development

  • Understanding title & boundary issues impacting development

  • Advice on subdivision requirements

  • Facilitating & overviewing inter- discipline consultants

Cadastral Surveys

  • Property boundary definition

  • Easement surveys

  • Unit Title surveys

  • Cross lease & Unit Title conversions

  • Riparian & AMF river boundary survey claims

  • Road stopping surveys

  • Crown land surveys

Building Surveys

  • Site & topographical surveys

  • Building location certifications

  • Finished floor level setouts

  • Building & grid set out

Other Surveys

  • Engineering works set out

  • Stockpile & volume measurements

  • Rural development farm surveys

Our Aim
Our aim

To develop trusted and longstanding relationships with our clients through using our skills and experience to enhance value and the client experience.

Our clients

Our clients include a varied range including private land owners, builders, professional developers, farmers, councils, and electric power authorities.

Need more info? 

Contact us by phone or email, and we'll get back to you shortly.

© 2019 Misura 

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